How to use test preparation to increase your chances of success on the NREMT exam
The most effective way to use our study materials is to start by taking 350 questions per category not including the Random category.
As you are taking the 350 questions per category be sure to review the rationales for each of the questions that you answered incorrectly and look up the subject matter in your text books and/or online. After every few exams utilize the “Missed Question Test”. You should be scoring 100% on your “Missed Question Tests” after studying the material.
Once you get through the initial 350 questions per category, you will know better where you need to do more studying based on your scores. When your scores begin reaching 80% consistently, take an NREMT simulation exam. See how you perform under the time constraints of the actual exam as well as with the single question delivery format that the NREMT uses. Keep studying.
The Review and Notes section is for materials you have never learned or for topics you don’t remember from your course. It allows you to click a box on an individual question on a graded exam and store it in the Review & Notes section. When you enter the Review & Notes section, there is a text box where you can type out any notes you find interesting about the question or subject as you are looking it up in your books or online. There is a 25- question storage limit. When you unclick the question, it will cease to be stored. If you have taken copious notes, copy and paste them into a Word document if you would like to keep them.
Study as much as you can. Make it quality study time where you can learn the concepts that you do not know or cannot remember. When your test scores are consistently in the 80-85 percentile in all categories and the simulation exams you are ready to take the real NREMT exam. Steady, quality study time is the key.
It is a good idea to memorize the vital sign chart, the burn chart or 'Rule of Nines', and the Glascow Coma Scale. If you memorize how to write these down on a piece of paper you will be able to put these charts on your scratch paper in the testing center for quick reference for answering related questions. In addition to memorizing those charts, you need to have a thorough understanding of patient care listed on the National Registry Skill Sheets for your level and those under your level.