How to use the 'Import CAPCE Courses' feature in the NREMT system to quickly add your CE from EMT & Fire Training
Follow these steps. (Troubleshooting tips will be at the bottom of this article)
1. Log into your NREMT account and ensure the box labeled 'My Current Role' has 'My Certification' selected. Then move down below to where it says 'TRANSCRIPT' and select that. (Or you can click on the 'Step 1: Add courses to your Transcript' block in the middle of the dashboard screen)
You should see a screen that looks like this:
Simply click on the orange button labeled 'Import CAPCE Courses' and a pop-up window will appear that looks something like this (obviously everyone will have different courses listed).
Please note that the default display size is set to 10 entries. In the lower left corner of this pop-up you can see that it says 'Showing 1 to 10 of 51 entries | Show 10 entries'. Simply click the number 10 in that box and change it so you can see all of your entries. Then go down the list and click the select box next to each of the courses you want to import to your NREMT account. Once you have selected them all hit the 'Import My Courses' button in the lower right corner.
You should now be back on the 'My Professional Transcript' page and all of your courses should be listed there. (this example just shows a single course listed, but you'll have however many you imported)
Next you will have to assign them to your recertification application. Simply click the blue word 'Unassigned' that is next to the red icon on the right side of each course and apply it to the proper topic. It will open this window (this is an example of what the screens may look like)
As you work through and assign everything the red will turn to green as you fill in the required hours.
Once you have completed all of the hours and turned every section green you can finish your application process with the NREMT. Congratulations!
#1. When I clicked on the 'Import CAPCE Courses' button the system said there was an error (see image for example)If you see this error message it simply means that something went wrong with information in your CAPCE data. Don't worry, your certificates are still valid! If you want to spend the time to figure out what it is then we can email CAPCE and ask them to review your data. We suggest doing something much simpler and quicker though. Please read this article on how to manually add the certificates to your NREMT account. It's faster to do that, than to sort through dozens of pieces of data to look for an issue and then try to get it fixed.
#2. I don't see any or all of my courses listed when trying to import from CAPCE.
There are a few reasons you may not see all of your courses listed.
A. If you didn't enter your NREMT certification number, expiration date, and city you live in into your profile on EMT & Fire Training's learning management system before creating your certificates, then the NREMT system can't sync the data between your account and CAPCE's. Follow the steps under Troubleshooting #1 to manually add your course info to your NREMT account.
B. Did you ensure that you changed the default view on the import screen from 10 to a larger number that would allow you to see all of your courses and choose them? You can click on the 'Import CAPCE Courses' button again and ensure you are viewing all of your records so you can import them.
C. Did you actually generate the certificates of completion for each of your courses with EMT & Fire Training? Log back into EMT & Fire Training's courses area and click on your profile link. You will see a link for 'My Certificates' shown there. Click on that and ensure that you have a certificate for all of the courses you have completed. If you don't see one, go to that course and click on the Certificate of Completion link and then click on the 'View Certificate' button to generate it. If you do see all of your certificates there, but not when trying to import, please send a support request to to review your situation and we can look into it for you. You can also just follow the link under Troubleshooting #1 and manually add it to your NREMT account if you wish.
#3. How do I know which categories to assign courses to on my NREMT transcript?
If you are entering a Traditional 24, 36, or 48 hour refresher course, just assign them down the list until everything is green.
If you are entering NCCP courses, each course name will tell you which category it belongs in. Fill out the National Component hours first, and then you can assign any of the remaining to any of the State/Local or Individual sections. For example, A1.1 is an Airway course, C2 is a Cardiovascular, T3 is Trauma, M1.2 is Medical, O4 is Operations, etc.